
Planning Printables

A series of printable planning checklists, prompts, and organizational tools for Ponderlily patrons to use alongside their planner.

Ponderlily Printables

My Roles

  • Art Direction
  • Brand Consultation
  • Conceptualization
  • Visual Design


The Ponderlily Planner was designed to empower its users, so it prioritizes space on its pages for things like reflection and tracking positive habits. While this strategy is on-brand, sometimes to-do lists are necessary. Ponderlily wanted to help its users balance the mundane with the meaningful.


Rather than filling the planner's pages with more content in attempt to meet each user's specific needs, Ponderlily's founder and I created a series of organization-focused printables that provide tailored and tangible space for users to accomplish their unique daily goals.



Research + Brainstorming

Considering product reviews and competitor resources, Ponderlily's founder and I created a long list of regular tasks and potential tools for dealing with them.


We sketched tools for a few of the most common tasks and iterated until a series of resources—from meal planning to bill tracking—emerged. Next, we printed the layouts from a number of printers, making sure the results were as expected.

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Based on these designs and the success of this initial exercise, Ponderlily continues to create new printable resources and its users (5,800 and counting!) continue to download them.

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Let's Work Together!

I'm always looking forward to my next adventure in design—or otherwise! Email me if you're interested in collaborating. Follow me on Instagram if you're really only interested in my cats 😻😻.